
Transport for NSW’s commitment to provide further enhancements to the Rozelle Parklands includes:

  • constructing new sports facilities building

  • multi-purpose sports courts

  • an additional toilet block near the existing children’s playground

  • installation of eight lighting towers on the existing sports fields 

Artist impression of the Rozelle Parklands

General construction information

Ford Civil has established work sites where construction is taking place, construction areas will be worked on in stages.

Currently, construction is underway on the sports facilities building, the additional toilet block, and the multi-purpose sports courts.

Day works

Daily construction activities continue during standard hours of Monday to Friday 7am to 6pm, and Saturday between 8am and 6pm.

Environmental monitoring

Our teams will continue to implement and monitor environmental controls as our construction activities progress. 


To reduce the potential impacts of noise we have mitigation measures in place including the use of temporary noise blankets, temporary hoarding and fencing around our work areas, turning off plant and equipment when not in use, and ongoing training of staff to be noise conscious.


Dust mitigation measures are implemented including spraying water on the surfaces using a sprinkler truck, and the use of water sprinklers on temporary fencing.   

Access during construction hours

The existing shared pedestrian and bicycle path that runs between the western and eastern ends of the Parklands remains open, however, temporary changes may occur during work hours around the Gordon Street connection. To ensure everyone’s safety we’ll have signage and traffic control in place.

The existing rectangular and oval sports fields remain open for recreation.

Worker Parking

We continue to encourage workers to use alternative transport and minimise parking on the surrounding roads.

Existing Parklands facilities

The existing public toilets, and the east-west shared pedestrian and bike path along with the entrance at Gordon Street remain open to the community.

What we’re delivering

New sports facilities building (changing rooms)

A new sports facilities building is being constructed near Gordon Street and the existing toilet block. It will be in keeping with the shape and architectural aesthetics of the existing toilet nearby, although significantly larger and will include:

  •  four change rooms 

  •  showers and toilets in each changing room

  •  two umpire change rooms, each with an accessible toilet and shower  

  •  a kiosk with some kitchen facilities 

  •  additional storage and service rooms 

It is expected to be completed by mid 2025.

Multi-purpose sports courts

Two multi-purpose sports courts are being built near the Railway Heritage Gardens (towards Victoria Road). The surface of the courts will be an all-weather concrete surface, and will accommodate netball, basketball, pickle ball and futsal. There will also be two hit up walls.

It is expected to be completed by end of Quarter 1, 2025.

Lighting Towers

Eight lighting towers will be installed for the oval and rectangular sports fields (four on each).

The lighting towers are being manufactured off site and expected to be installed progressively over a two week period, and operational by end of Quarter 2, 2025.

Please note, we’ll only need to close off small sections of each sports field for a short time while lifting the towers into place.

Playground Toilet Block

An additional toilet block will be located near the children’s playground area. It will meet mobility standards (DDA compliant) and will include a baby change facility.

The toilet block is currently being manufactured off site, and expected to be completed and opened to the public by end of Quarter 2, 2025

Upcoming temporary parking changes – additional toilet block

Work has started to build the foundations for the new two cubicle toilet block. Additional parking along Lilyfield Road will be required to support the safe construction of the sewer connection to the block.

Currently, we use four car parking spaces in front of the new toilet block location. We propose using a maximum of 11 additional car parking spaces on the resident side of the road, temporarily in March/April for up to four weeks (pending weather). A short-term reduction in parking allows us to implement partial lane closures on Lilyfield Road.

For more information, click here

Locations of the new sports facilities building, mixed purpose sports courts, lighting towers and playground toilets